Stream Brooks Agribusiness arm is poised to meet the first two UN SDG Goals of “No Poverty” and “Zero Hunger”.
Our farm operations cuts across Poultry, Fishery/Aquaculture, Ranching, and mechanized Maize/Cassava plantation. Our agricultural extension and mechanization Services helps to lift small holder farmers out of extreme poverty. In addition to our own farm consumption, our products come in quite affordable and in good quality to producers of Pap (Maize pudding), Garri (Cassava flakes), confectionaries, and Animal Feed Mill operators to mention a few.
We delight in our specialty of ensuring waste to wealth conversion in each of our processes. For instance, peels from processed cassava, and maize cultivated, serves as input to feeds production for the poultry farm, aquaculture farm, and the ranch. The poultry production waste and ranch waste (dung) are then used as manure to fertilize the soil for cheaper and bumper yield of maize and cassava. Similarly, rather than dispose guts removed from fishes during processing, they automatically become protein input for our poultry feeds, while the fishponds’ used water is collected during dry season to irrigate our crops.
To be a world-class enterprise that supports industrial needs in an environmentally friendly way; thereby advancing the course of good standard of living of the general populace and give high returns to stakeholders.
Provide manufacturing industries with world-class import substitute raw materials, using Agriculture and Agro-processed derivates from home grown crops.
Livestock Production & Processing
As a way of contributing to affordable and quality source of Protein in Africa, Stream Brooks has a poultry farm where fresh eggs and live/processed chickens are produced. There is currently a huge gap between the demand for these sources of protein and the supply into the market. This explains why the continent still witnesses large scale of European products influx into our markets..
The company also have an aquaculture farm where Catfish are being hatched and grown. Also, our robust ranch accommodates ruminants of various ages and size.
Outgrowers’ Specialty
Our outgrower scheme targets small holder cassava and maize farmers who could handle a minimum of 10 hectares of land as individuals or as a group. The scheme thrives on off taking arrangement to give the farmers high level of comfort. Some of the key benefits of our outgrower scheme include:
Input provision & Tractorization
We acknowledge the importance of having the best input such as treated seeds/seedlings, appropriate fertilizers, mechanized implements (e.g. Tractors, Mowers, Harrowers) etc. This will guaranty disease free planting exercise, and ease cultivation processes.
Extension Services
They are provided to farmers at no extra cost. This is to enable them to adopt best farming practices that will guaranty improved yields at harvest. Our field officers engage the farmers in both organized lecture series, and on the field training/guidance.
Guaranteed Partnership
Trust is a key watchword in the out-grower scheme. Our continued interaction strengthens our resolve to always strive to fulfill each party’s part of the bargain for our mutual benefit. While the farmers are rest assured that their produce will always be purchased, Stream Brooks revels in the assurance that we have a support base for constant supply to support production and sales.
Farm Setup and Management
We know how important it is for you to succeed in your Farm business, and how painful it can be to lose a lifetime investment. That is why we provide Farm Setup and Management services that helps to secure and guarantee your investments.
There is a science behind Farm setup. The skillful art of it must also be respected. You must get it right to enjoy the expected returns.
You can leverage on our wealth of experience and save yourself the pain of investment loss. For example, if you will be managing your farm by proxy, we have an option for you to enable you effectively do that and have a firm hold on your operations while you attend to other things.
Make your choice from our array of options and send a mail to
Farm Setup Options:
- Basic
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Premium
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